Errols Weekly Music Update.

March 15, 2021

A Women’s Playlist- National Women’s History Month

Filed under: Uncategorized — ea0217 @ 6:18 pm

As we all celebrate National Women’s History month, I figured I would share a setlist of some of my favorite songs by female artists’ who have made an impact on the lives of so many people around the world. This playlist could be used at a dinner party or if you are going for a nice peaceful walk and of course you know if this is my list it will contain some upbeat tracks to get the juices flowing. As with the previous set of songs I have recommended, there will be many women who will be left off this list but again it is not purposeful or intended.

In my opinion, women are the backbone of family and the entire universe as their strength, love, dedication, intelligence, caring, and fierce devotion is what holds us all together as one big family. When I think of my mother, I realize the incredible ability to navigate through illness without even displaying a notion of pain to anyone around her, while at the same time performing as the leader of our entire family by keeping the peace through her natural ability to nurture her loved ones as well as building character with responsibility. And I believe everyone out there knows that special woman or women because for me it was also my grandmother’s, aunt’s and of course my bride who have shaped my life as well as my Dad, brothers and son’s.

I believe we should celebrate the women in our lives everyday while recognizing an entire month each year and so here is a list of my favorite songs by some of the best female singers this world has ever heard.   

1— “Love Story”- Taylor Swift—Every time I hear this song it will always take me back to the night of December 13, 2018 when I was responsible for the setlist at my former employer’s Holiday party in lower Manhattan on the third floor of a restaurant and this was the track that I decided to begin the celebration. As I looked around, a few people nodded in agreement to the selection while raising a toast to celebrate the long year. Most of the people at the party are still more than former co-workers, more like family and friends for life. When all is said and done, Taylor Swift will be revered as one of the best performers this world will have ever heard. Songs are supposed to take you to another world and this song will forever take me back to one of the best night’s our “family” had ever celebrated. 

2— “Lady Marmalade”—Patti LaBelle – This legend is still going strong and recently went head-to-head in a friendly “Versus” show where her opponent was another living legend, Gladys Knight. I wonder how Patty feels about singing one of the most well-known songs in the history of music. I bet this one song is known by more generations of people who have danced to it at a wedding or a party where even Grandma strutted out to the floor to the infectious groove while singing along to Ms. LaBelle’s glorious voice. This track is a national treasure.

3— “Wishin’ and Hopin’”— Dusty Springfield – Ask my family about how many times I have played this song since my children were born and they will all say that it has been on every New Year’s Eve playlist since we moved to Connecticut 21 years ago. I believe that Dusty was one of the greatest singers this world has ever witnessed and the list of tunes that she has left behind for all of us to enjoy are numerous. In my opinion, this is one of her best recordings that I can listen to for 24 hours a day.

4— “Someday We’ll Be Together”- The Supremes-This is truly one of the ultimate songs in the history of music and it became so tough to listen to after my mother passed away in 2004 as I am convinced that someday we will be together. As I have maintained on this site for many years, I believe the “Motown” years created some of the most beloved music ever and this song sits at the top of the list for me. Music is supposed to make you drift off into another world and this tune brings my mother back into my arms as I can feel her hug never leave me.

5—” Crazy for You”-Madonna – I can remember as an early teenager I was immersed into the world of “rock” and was gullible to the whole “disco vs. rock” scenario while actually loving the soundtrack to “Saturday Night Fever” which to this day I still believe is the ultimate soundtrack ever. Fast forward to the early and mid-1980’s while knee deep into Van Halen, Zep and AC/DC and in walks a superstar named Madonna. There is no way that I could admit that I liked a lot of her songs, that would be blasphemes, right? Again, a lot of this had to with being young and ignorant. When you hear (or see) talent, it does not matter what the person is or what genre it is associated with. My I-pod contains many songs by Madonna, and this has always been one of my favorites. To this day, she is known by one name only. Controversial? You bet. Undeniable—my apologies Madonna, I no longer have that issue.  

6— “I Heard it Through the Grapevine”—Gladys Knight– Dare I say that I love this version of this track better than Marvin’s or Creedence? My oldest son begs me to not put this song on any party list that I create but of course I cannot listen because I am obsessed with this track. Glady’s vocals are mesmerizing and of course the Pips background style is infectious. I know there are so many songs to choose from but again it is in the ear of the beholder and for me, this tune will remain near the top of the pile.

7— “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves”—Cher– I know many would be surprised that Cher would be on my list of favorite singers ever, but she is. Again, I do not want to sound like a broken record but even my bride tells me- “Please, not this song again?!” I probably have listened to this song more than any in my entire life (I know, I say that about every song,) and the proof lies in my I-tunes library as anyone can check to see what songs have been played the most and this sits in the top ten of all the songs that I own. (“The Way of Love” and “Dark Lady” are two other songs that are close to the top ten, LOL).

8— “The Living Proof”— Mary J. Blige– During the pandemic like many others, we binged watch shows and movies, including the extraordinary “The Help” which included a brilliant performance by Viola Davis. When the movie ends, the magical voice of Mary J comes into everyone’s ears and I was immediately polarized to the point where this has become one of my most listened to songs over the past year. “It’s gonna be a long, long journey… it’s gonna be an uphill climb… it’s gonna be a tough time… there’s gonna be some lonely nights…but I’m ready to carry on…” This track is unreal and captures the essence of Ms. Blige as I believe this is one of her best efforts ever. Thank you, Mary for enriching so many lives.  

9— “MacArthur Park”— Donna Summer– I know that this is a cover and that there are so many songs to pick from by Ms. Summer and my wife is the one who really brought Donna into our home as she absolutely loves her music but for me, this tune captures everything about her vocal prowess. It begins with the angelic majestic start and then as the pace picks up, the heavenly voice still appears in your ears as you begin to realize that she made this song her own. I took my bride to the Broadway play about her life and thought it was great. Ms. Summer, you are extremely missed by millions. Thank you for your legacy.   

10— “Like the Way I Do”—Melissa Etheridge– My bride and I witnessed Melissa right before she exploded on to the scene when she opened for Little Feat in the late 1980’s on the west side of New York in an outdoor venue (the name escapes me) and the buzz before she came on was intense. Normally, no one pays any attention to the opening act as most rudely talk to each other while the artist is trying to give it their all but the conversation that could be had before or after the show occurs as the opener is performing. Not in this case, as Melissa took the stage, she commanded your attention- she had “it” and before we knew it, she was selling out the Beacon Theater in consecutive nights in the early 1990’s. This tune from her first album has this unbelievable rawness that still bleeds with the intended passion today as when it was first recorded. My wife and I caught and rode the wave of Melissa throughout her career. This is a classic.  

11— “Rumor Has It”—Adele– In my opinion whenever people hear Adele, the first thing that has to pop into their head is “this woman can sing!” We all know that she does the ballads as well as anyone this earth has seen or heard. This track has a little kick to it, like the hot sauce one puts on the buffalo wings for the Superbowl party and has a “slow-down” part that puts most in a trance, but the bass drums kick it right back to the dance beat. This has always been one of my favorites from Ms. Adele. Bravo.

12— “People”— Barbara Streisand– Talk about a voice? Barbara arguably could be voted the greatest vocalist of all-time and that includes her male counterparts. She has made so many fantastic songs and I kept coming back to this tune which I believe is brilliant. I drift off into another world as Barbara’s vocals mesmerizes me to the point where I never want the song to end. This could be one the greatest recordings in the history of music.   

13— “Nobody Does It Better”—Carly Simon—Ever since I was a small child this tune captivated me like a spider weaves a web around its victims, I literally freeze with such appreciation as I believe there is no one who can sing this song like Carly. Every note she sings is perfection as the musicianship surrounding this majestic tune makes it a masterpiece, in my opinion. Carly, nobody does it better than you with this track.  

14—”Forever”—The Marvelettes– Growing up in a household where the only era that existed were the 1950’s and the early to mid-1960’s laid the foundation of my “musical” career as an experienced listener. This beauty from the often-overlooked Marvelettes makes me want to take my bride’s hand and lead her to the dance floor, even it means leaving the kitchen table to dance in the living room by our lonesome. Thank you, to my parents, for exposing me to the greatest music ever.

15— “My Guy”—Mary Wells—This is another song that puts a smile on your face from the very first note and again I believe no one can sing it like Mary. There is something that is so special that a song that was crafted over 50 years ago can still bring joy to generation after generation. I absolutely love this song!!

16— “Hopelessly Devoted to You”—Olivia Newton John– I remember seeing “Grease” in the movie theater as a teenager and falling in love with Olivia’s character, Sandy, and when she sits on the rocks at the beach and bellows out this unbelievable tune, I was absolutely smitten. Even after all these decades, this song is one of my all-time favorites. Thank you, Olivia for being such a wonderful singer and actress.  

17— “So Far Away”—Carole King– How Carole is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is beyond me, her contribution to the music world is endless as a writer and the beautiful singer she is. “Tapestry” is a landmark album and just for that effort, it should stamp her ticket into the Hall. This song is from that legendary album and one of my favorites tunes since I was a pre-teen as it reminds me of the summer’s I spent in Otisville N.Y. during the early to mid-1970’s, which are wonderful memories that come rushing back every time I hear this beautiful tune.

18— “Love is a Losing Game”—Amy Winehouse– After receiving a scolding from my oldest son who opened my ears again at the brilliance of Ms. Winehouse, he cited every song that she has ever recorded.  Not only did she write her own songs but her vocal prowess opened the door for many artists who have tried to emulate her style but there was only one Amy. I learned my lesson and when you hear a track like this one, it makes you realize how much of an impact she made in a relatively short time. My apologies to my son- Thank you Amy for the recordings that you have left behind, you are deeply missed.   

19— “Travelin’ Soldier”—The Chicks-As soon as this song begins, I am frozen in time and listen with my ears and heart. This heartbreak of a tune carries so much weight with the lyrics and the beauty of Natalie’s voice paints a picture that will bring a tear to the eye. The Chicks have made a huge impact in this world and I will forever be a fan. Like I previously mentioned I pray that there is a tour from these beautiful ladies after this pandemic comes to an end, because I cannot wait to see them live again.

20— “All Fired Up”— Pat Benatar – This song will always have a special place in my heart because it takes me back to my years spent at MBIA Insurance in Armonk N.Y. with our “work-out” buddies and of course I always tried to nudge my way in with my set-lists for bootcamp and/or spin class. Chris, the instructor, was very accommodating as I believed this tune was perfect for any spin class because there is a constantly pounding along with a slowdown to climb up that hill. As I have stated numerous times, Pat Benatar should also be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the ignorance is staggering. But I will end on a nice note- there are so many songs to pick by Mrs. Benatar and her husband Neil Giraldo that will enhance your walk or dinner party.

21— “Straight On”— Ann Wilson– (Heart) Obviously this is Heart, but I had to “single-out” Ann because I believe that she has been one of the most iconic singers in the history of music. I know that her sister, Nancy, Roger, Howard, Steve and Michael all contributed to their massive success. Again, there are so many songs to choose from so I would say to pick your favorite and add it to the list. This unbelievable tune is one of my all-time favorites- Crank it up!

22— “Dr. Feelgood (Love is a Serious Business)”— Aretha Franklin – Again thanks to my oldest son who is now the teacher and I have now become the student. When he mentioned this track to me and I listened, I was blown away. Flawless, seemingly effortless are just some of the endless accolades for this legendary Icon who changed the world with her beauty and voice. She brought President Obama to tears during a performance and so many generations to another world when she sings like she does on this song. There are so many memorable moments that each one of us can recall, especially the folks who grew up with her as the impact she made is staggering. I am speechless. Thank you, Aretha, you are so missed and loved.

23— “We’ve Only Just Begun”— Karen Carpenter – I melt like butter whenever I hear Karen’s vocals as she made my childhood so great because of tunes like this. As I have mentioned numerous times on this site, my mother and I shared “Close to You” which lands in my top five songs of all-time. I decided to go with another classic for this list as I believe the entire universe will know this beauty of a song. Her voice brings tears to my eyes. Karen, I miss you so much and wished I could have seen you live in concert before you left us all. Thank you for your legacy!

24— “Why Can’t He Be You”— Patsy Cline – As much as I love Karen, everything changes the moment I hear Patsy’s voice. I am immediately lifted off the ground and high to the clouds to lie down next to my mother in heaven and thanking her for introducing me to this wonderful woman. Patsy has a way to melt anyone’s heart as her crystal-clear vocals are astounding to the point where the tears just start flowing. When you listen to this tune, you can feel the pain and love in her voice which is so real, raw filled with passion, which in my opinion, no one has ever come close to matching. Whenever life gets crazy, my I-pod shuffle will land on a Patsy song and my mother is there to remind me to stop and smell the roses. Thank you, Patsy, for always bringing my Mother back to me, I love you both.

March 6, 2021

A Work-Out Playlist- “March” to the Beat of your own Drummer

Filed under: Uncategorized — ea0217 @ 7:01 pm
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It is hard to believe we are already in the third month of the year and trying to come up with a new theme was a bit challenging but then it came to me while I was dreaming, and I decided to make this workout or walk playlist to be – “March” to the Beat of your own Drummer. We all know someone (it could be yourself) that marches to their own beat and I would include myself in that category. So, the focus on this playlist will contain songs from various drummers that I have gravitated towards since I was a teenager. Now, I do not profess to know the technical aspects of being an actual drummer or have the ear of a person who knows what makes a great percussionist, what I am giving you here is a list of songs where I believe anyone can “air-drum” along to with wild abandonment to put yourself in another world. I will also add that there will be “masters of the skins” that I will leave off this list, but it is not purposeful because we all know that I could be here until the end of time naming the greatest drummers, because I will not profess to being “all-knowing.” That said, here are the songs that make my head move north and south either extremely fast or trudging along, hope you enjoy:

1— “Heaven’s on Fire”- Eric Carr (KISS)—Gone but will never be forgotten. In my opinion, Eric saved KISS in many ways because this band was always known as four different personalities and not only did Eric inject muscle into the unit, but he also created his own character as the Fox, moving well past the shadow of the Cat. Listen, every KISS fan loves Peter there is no denying that fact. In walks Mr. Carr for an audition to one of the hottest bands on the planet and he was a “regular” guy, a fan and also the best part- a lover of rock music. He added such a punch with his “double” sounding drums as I believe “Creatures of the Night” album is one of their heaviest albums ever. And Eric was a big part of that crunching sound. I could have picked “I Love It Loud” or “War Machine” or every song on “Creature” as the evidence that Eric kept KISS from falling off the planet. I went with this tune from “Animalize” because it has that “kick in the pants” to start off your exercise regimen. On the current “End of the Road” tour which I saw in three different places during 2019, this song is on the setlist and every KISS fan was looking to the heavens while remembering his definitive impact on KISS. Thank you, Eric, we all miss and remember you!

2— “Ain’t That a Shame”—Bun E. Carlos (Cheap Trick) – I know it did not end well with Mr. Carlos and his original buddies from Cheap Trick but put yourself in my shoes—it is 1979, I am 14 years old, slowly adding all the rock music I can find into my glass which at that time was maybe a quarter filled. In walks Bun E playing one of Fats Domino’s infamous tunes on “Live at Budokan” (arguably one of the greatest live albums ever) with such a different spin at the beginning and ending of this tune. I was polarized by his playing which he made look so easy while he was always seemingly smoking a cigarette as I mimicked his every drumbeat, especially at the 1:30 mark where if you are a Trick fan you know are all banging in unison- “dot, dot…dot, dot, dot!!” To this day I can “air-drum” to every one of his beats with the same fervor I had as a teenager. Bun E had this flair that made it easy to slide your feet across the floor like Michael Jackson when he moonwalked. Who D’king of the whole wide world? “On the drums… Mr. Bun E Carlos!!”

3— “Born Loose”— Carmine Appice (Rod Stewart)- I know Carmine has a storied history with a ton of bands (Vanilla Fudge, Ozzy, etc.) but my introduction to him was when I bought Rod Stewart’s “Footloose and Fancy Free” and the first time I heard this song, all I could hear was the drums. Even my mother told me to open the bedroom door as the crushing snare drum sounds with the crashing cymbals is too much to take. Carmine keeps you in the front seat the entire time with his phenomenal talent even when the song comes to a stop at the 3:55 mark. When he comes crashing back at the 4:32 mark I am trying to air-drum like “Animal” (The classic Muppet) until the final note. If you do not hear what I am talking about, then I give up. Thank you, Carmine for this masterpiece!

4— “TV Crimes”- Vinnie Appice-(Black Sabbath with Ronnie James Dio) Banging the drums runs in the Appice family as Carmine’s younger brother led the way for Black Sabbath after Bill left when Ronnie joined the band (often referred to as “Heaven and Hell”) Vinnie also has an unbelievable career with some many artists and his skills are similar to his brother because when they play, you know they are in the room. So many songs to pick from but I kept coming back to TV Crimes. The blistering power of his percussion will have you head-banging in no time. In my opinion, this version of Sabbath also deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as Vinnie’s mastery compliments Mr. Dio’s phenomenal vocal prowess. This will get the juices flowing, no doubt. Thank you, Vinnie!

5—” Throes of Rejection”-Vinnie Paul (Pantera) – As many of you can probably tell, I am “knee deep” into Pantera right now and there are so many songs to pick from where Vinnie just pulverizes your brain with devastating blows. If you can handle this really heavy track from “Far Beyond Driven” then I would say you can handle any other song on this set list. An analogy would be going to an amusement park and getting on the “scariest ride” whether it be a roller coaster or the tallest water slide in the world as soon as you arrive at that park, which will allow you to go on any other ride because you mastered the most intimidating one. So sad that neither Vinnie, nor his brother, Dimebag, are no longer with us. Vinnie Paul is arguably one of the greatest metal drummers to ever have roamed this earth. RIP.

6— “Inject the Venom”—Phil Rudd-(AC/DC) I know what you are thinking- what song is this? Of all the songs to choose from this legendary drummer who is revered by his peers as one of the greatest of all-time and this is what you came up with? Hold on, hear me out—it is 1981 and I am now 16 with two years under my belt of discovering both AC/DC’s- the one with Bon (Highway to Hell-1979) and Brian (Back in Black-1980) and now they release- “For Those About to Rock” (Brian’s sophomoric effort with the band). As I put on the first album side and laid down on the hard wood floor with a pillow wrapped around my head to protect my ears from bleeding as I had the volume cranked up to the highest level possible. Track #4 on side one comes on and I am absolutely floored as I do a sit up like I had hit the lottery, I was awestruck on the devastating beats in my ears by Mr. Rudd. When Angus starts his guitar solo at the 2:02 mark I am absolutely amazed by Phil’s playing as my head can not stop moving north to south—this is one of the greatest head-banging anthems in the history of hard rock. I bow to Mr. Rudd.

7— “Let Me Drown”—Matt Cameron– (Soundgarden) I know, I know—Matt is the drummer for Pearl Jam and no disrespect to their fan base but until Matt gets into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with Soundgarden, I am currently on a Pearl Jam strike. I think if I were to take drum lessons and I know it would take an exceptionally long time, but this would be the first song that I would love to master. I already have it nailed as an air-drummer as his percussion skills are so addicting that sometimes I do not hear anything but Matt’s drumming. I love the transition at the two-minute mark where he plays like someone is falling down the steps and the highlight comes at the 2:52 mark where his drums sound like when Popeye eats spinach as his forearms grow. Freakin’ awesome!!

8— “Low”— Taylor Hawkins– (Foo Fighters) Oh my so many songs to choose from as Taylor is the engine that fuels the Foo’s (with no disrespect to Dave—he is on the list, relax) and as I listened to their entire catalog, I kept coming back to this awesome display drumming mastery from their “One on One” album. Talk about a track that can get the juices flowing? I know I probably have most of you begging for a slower song but for right now keep pushing as hard as Taylor does. If you are at home, find the best pair of headphones in the house and put this song on and try to follow all the time changes, crunching, wailing drums—even listening to this tune can make one tired by just focusing on Mr. Hawkins incredible roller coaster ride. This is simply amazing evidence of how great a percussionist Taylor is and has to be considered one of the most “energetic” drummers, alongside his buddy Dave.

9— “As Is”— Alex Van Halen– (Van Halen) The obvious pick from the entire world is “Hot for Teacher,” I get it but again hear me out, it starts off a bit slow to be able to catch your breath but then hold on to your hat as Alex will have those feet flapping all over the floor as you will not be able to focus on anything but his drumbeats. Oh my, this is from their last studio album with Diamond Dave- “A Different Kind of Truth”- and like many other times it feels like there is more drummers than just Alex, he has this incredible feel, and his adjustments are flat out stellar. We all know that Eddie was the incredible star; and you know what? There is no one but Alex that he wanted by his side to make the Van Halen engine roar. Thank you, Alex for so many incredible live shows, I bow to you.  

10— “Pleasure Dome”—Alex Van Halen– (Van “Hagar”) Again it starts off a little slow but when it gets going you will be mesmerized by his incredible drumming—for those of you old enough it reminds me of when Bo Jackson ran up and down the outfield wall while shagging down a long fly ball—just imagine rewinding that tape over and over- that is how addictive Alex’s playing is. He seems to fly under the radar as one of the most talented drummers, but the brethren know that there is only one Alex Van Halen. This is one of his highlights with Sammy.

11— “Dr. Feelgood”—Tommy Lee-(Motley Crue) During the mid-1980’s I was engulfed with The Crue and the main reason was due to Tommy’s hard crushing drumming which was filled with so much zest, energy and love for the craft. I know there are so many songs to choose from (especially from their debut) but I kept coming back to the title tune from the 1989 classic. Back in the day, at MSG he was absolutely fearless by playing his drums high in the sky while circling around like a wonder wheel and it was not as “controlled” as the final tour. I believe this is one of the best showcase songs that displays his awesomeness as a furious percussionist. Say what you want about him, but the man has skills on the skins. I bow to you Tommy!! By the way, Lars (yes, he is on the list) loved Dr. Feelgood so much so that Metallica brought Bob Rock on a producer for the Black album to the chagrin of many but also to the absolute joy for the “new” Metallica fans, yes, like me.

12— “Young Man Blues”— Keith Moon– (The Who) We all know that there are an endless number of songs to choose from as I believe “The Animal” Muppet was created because of Keith as his reckless abandon is actually what all the experts refer to as “mastery” so much so that Mr. Moon is often referred to as the greatest influential drummer of all-time. This unreal track is from the “expanded” “Who’s Next” album and your jaw will hit the floor as you listen to the rawness of his skills. I will mention some songs I also considered, to appease those of you who are again scratching your head to the track I picked—here they are in no particular order- “Dogs (Pt. 2)” “A Quick One (While He’s Away)- often considered one of the ultimate live recordings in the history of music. “My Generation” and “Pinball Wizard.”

13— “The Warning”—Bill Ward–(Black Sabbath) I will try to stay away from the controversy with Mr. Ward apparently caused by Sharon with the final tour as I feel terrible that he was not included. Talk about a drummer with power? There is no doubt that he is one of the founding fathers of metal and when Ozzy “disappears” from the song at around the 3:25 mark the astonishing mastery of all three men (Tony, Geezer and Bill) could arguably be considered the ultimate recording in heavy metal history, albeit being a cover. Mr. Ward please know you are beloved by an entire universe of fans. This is one of his highlights.

14—”Journey from Mariabronn”—Phil Ehart– (Kansas) I often wonder why Phil is left out of the conversation as one of the best drummers this world has ever heard. In my opinion, Kansas is one of the most disrespected bands in the history of music and I will never understand this as it “puzzle’s me,” and it makes me angry. If you have seen Kansas live, you will not find a harder working drummer in music today, the man is relentless with scintillating skills that will leave you breathless. Over the past decade I have seen Kansas more than any other band that I love and when this song is performed, it is like witnessing Elvis or Sinatra singing in their prime. Folks, this masterpiece is from their first album and back in those days it usually was recorded in one take. If you listen to this track and cannot recognize his skills as a drummer, I give up.

15— “You’re All I’ve Got Tonight”—David Robinson–(The Cars) I also know what you are thinking—remember this is an exercise playlist, not necessarily going in reverse order to the greatest drummers of all-time. Yes, do I love The Cars? Of course, and David is another example of someone who is overlooked as a solid percussionist whose skills are evident in every Car song ever recorded. As I have mentioned more than a few times on this site, this one song gets The Cars into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as it is the ultimate recording (in my opinion) in their illustrious career. Dave is there to keep your head bopping up and down while also turning on the head-banging as well. When Elliott takes off with the long guitar solo who is right there supplying the groove, yes, I know Gregg and Ben but the focus here is on drummers. Mr. Robinson, please know that there are so many of us out here who love your percussionist skills!!

16— “My Apocalypse”—Lars Ulrich– (Metallica) Again this is so hard to pick a song so let me just say on this day this is the track I picked. Tomorrow, I could pick “Dyers Eve” or “Battery” (which they just performed on Colbert last week). I do not listen to all the haters out there about Mr. Ulrich because it is all jealousy, in my opinion. For the band Metallica, there is no one but Lars as the drummer- period end of story. If you have ever been to see them live, you know that he gives it his absolute best every time. I saw them play this live and I was exhausted just watching him play, never mind trying to get behind the wheel. Lars, you are an absolute legend, and my life has been changed for the better for listening and witnessing your absolute “Master-y!”

17— “No One Loves Me & Neither Do I”—Dave Grohl– (Them Crooked Vultures)- Yes, I know— “Smells Like Teen Spirit”—but just like with Alex I went with some other brilliance by the greatest rock star out there today. Dave skills are flawless as he can play any kind of genre. I still love his “Probot” metal one-off project. This slinky groove is so addictive because of Dave, in my opinion. The more you listen you can hear the changes just like when you are riding a ten-speed bike—the gear is on 10 most of this track as you climb a hill while appreciating this man’s phenomenal artistry. Dave Grohl is my hero!

18— “No Time This Time”—Stewart Copeland– (The Police) This is the fastest song on the workout as Stewart furious pace will have you gasping for air in “no time.” Stewart has to be considered one of the most innovative drummers of our time and his legacy will live on forever. He added a “Latin” spice to the world of rock and at the time when the Police exploded on to the scene, they were considered part of the “new wave” movement. He went on to so many different projects while putting his incredible talents on display for the entire universe to hear. I will always have a soft spot for the Police, especially the early albums where everything he played on was so distinctive from anything that was being played on the radio. Mr. Copeland, you are a superstar who inspired so many other drummers. Thank you for sharing your special talent with the universe!

19— “La Villa Strangiato”—Neil Peart– (Rush) Folks, this is the greatest drummer that I have ever witnessed in concert (read what I just said—that I have “seen”) If you never saw Rush before we lost this legend, please do yourself a favor and either buy a DVD or look on Youtube or whatever platform you are using these days and put on a set of great headphones while listening to this legend. This is not a word to use freely, but in this case, Neil, was born to play the drums. I have never seen anyone surrounded by the numerous drums as it almost appeared as if he was trapped but quite the opposite, he was in total control. For the Rush brethren there are too numerous tracks to consider as one of his greatest, so I am not going to say this is his most prestigious performance. This instrumental is so astounding, I cannot even begin to describe it. If you do not know this track, please listen and by the end of the song there will be tears in your eyes for some many reasons- the first being his unbelievable skills. Rest in peace Neil, you are absolutely loved and missed.

20— “Good Times Bad Times”— John Bonham – (The Mighty Led Zeppelin) Pound for pound this man was the grandest drummer this earth has ever seen or heard. Folks, this is the first track from their first album back in 1969 that took the entire music world by storm and let everyone know that Mr. Bonham had entered the room. He did not leave that room and kept improving on his massive talent and even though he is no longer with us, he casts a shadow that will never be achieved. Now I was never able to see John as he passed away when I was 15 but we were gearing up for the Mighty Zep to make their return to the States during 1980 and 1981. September 25, 1980 is still one of the worst days in the history of the world as John left us with a heavy heart. His spirit and recordings will forever be with us. Now there are so many songs to choose from and do yourself a favor, search YouTube for a concert at Madison Square Garden where he played a drum solo that is considered the best ever. (At points he is playing with his bare hands). Tomorrow I could pick “Out on The Tiles” or “In My Time of Dying” or “Achilles Last Stand” (Dave Grohl has stated that to replicate what he did on this song is not humanly possible). I bow to John Bonham on my hands and knees—the greatest ever.

21— “Who To Believe”— Jai Johanny Johanson and Butch Trucks– (The Allman Brothers) These two original founding members of The Allman Brothers kept the groove flowing with their fluid craftmanship for so many countless tracks it is hard to pick their best work but since is the last song in the workout, I figured I would throw a “cool down” song so that you can walk off the workout or stretch to this beauty of a tune. This comes from the 2003 “Hitting the Note” album which I listen to from top to bottom. I was fortunate enough to see the Brothers for the multiple years of “March Madness” at the Beacon Theater and am sad that the March Madness is no longer around but at least we have the recordings.

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